§ 9-108 COURT CLERK.
   (a)   There is hereby established the office of the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the city, which office shall be filled by appointment by the Municipal Judge of the Municipal Court.
   (b)   The duties of the office shall be those prescribed by the Code for Municipal Courts set forth in K.S.A. Ch. 12, Art. 41, and shall include the following duties.
      (1)   The Clerk shall issue all processes of the Court; administer oaths; file and preserve all papers, and docket cases; and set same for trial and shall perform such further acts as may be necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Court. The Clerk shall receive, account for and pay to the City Treasurer monthly all fines and forfeited bonds paid into the Court. The Clerk shall make reports to the Judicial Administrator and furnish the information when requested by him, her or a departmental justice on such forms furnished by the Judicial Administrator, and approved by the Supreme Court.
      (2)   The Clerk of the Municipal Court shall within ten days after selection and before entering upon the duties of office, execute to the city such bond as the governing body may require, which shall be approved by the governing body, and file in the office of the City Clerk, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties required of him or her by law, and for the faithful application and payment of all monies that may come into his or her hands in the execution of the duties of the office. The city shall pay the cost of such bond.
      (3)   The monthly salary of the Clerk shall be fixed by ordinance.
      (4)   A majority of all members of the Council may remove the Clerk appointed under the authority of this article, or for good cause the Mayor may temporarily suspend any such appointed Clerk.
(K.S.A. 12-4108)