(a)   Any person, firm or corporation considering themselves aggrieved by the decision of the public officer and who desires to present a formal protest to the governing body shall in writing, request a hearing before the governing body within ten days after receiving notice of the decision from the public officer, as provided in § 8-612(b). Such protest and request for a hearing shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk.
   (b)   Upon receipt of a protest and request for a hearing, the City Clerk shall notify in writing the governing body of such appeal.
   (c)   The governing body shall, within 30 days of receipt of protest and request for a hearing, determine a date for the hearing.
   (d)   Notice of the date for the hearing shall be sent to the appellant at least ten days before the hearing.
   (e)   Except where an immediate hazard exists as described in § 4-612 of this code, the filing of a protest and request for a hearing before the governing body as specified in division (a) above shall operate as a stay of the enforcement of the public officer’s order until such time as the governing body has reached a decision on the matter.