(a) For the purposes of this chapter and this Zoning Code, the following terms shall have the meaning herein indicated:
(1) “Berm.” An earthen mound designed to provide visual interest, screen undesirable views, and/or decrease noise. The height of a berm shall be measured from the average natural grade at the base of the berm.
(2) “Caliper.” The American Association of Nurserymen standard for trunk measurement of nursery stock. Caliper of the trunk shall be taken at diameter-at-breast-height.
(3) “Diameter-at-breast-height (DBH).” The diameter of a tree trunk measured in inches at a height four and one-half feet above ground. If a tree splits into multiple trunks below four and one-half feet, the trunk is measured at its most narrow point below the split.
(4) “Footcandle.” A unit of illumination produced on a surface, all points of which are one foot from a uniform point source of one candle.
A. “Foot-candle, horizontal.” The measurement of foot-candles utilizing a direct reading, portable light meter mounted in the horizontal position.
B. “Foot-candle, vertical.” The measurement of foot-candles utilizing a direct reading, portable light meter mounted in the vertical position.
(5) “Full-shielded or full cut-off type fixture.” An outdoor lighting fixture that is shielded or constructed so that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest light-emitting part of the fixture. See illustration 1 for full cut-off lighting below.
(6) “Glare.” Direct light that causes annoyance, discomfort or loss in visual performance and visibility.
(7) “Illuminance.” The quantity of light arriving at a surface divided by the area of that surface, measured in footcandles.
(8) “Large tree.” A living tree with a DBH measurement at maturity of at least six inches.
(9) “Light trespass.” Light emitted by a lighting fixture that falls beyond the boundaries of the property on which the fixture is installed.
(10) “Recessed ceiling fixture.” An outdoor lighting fixture recessed into a canopy ceiling so that the bottom of the fixture is flush with the ceiling.
(11) “Shade tree.” A tree with foliage that usually sheds annually and is planted primarily for its high crown of foliage or overhead canopy.
(12) “Shrub. A woody plant, smaller than a tree, consisting of several small stems from the ground or small branches near the ground.
(13) “Small Tree.” A living tree with a DBH measurement at maturity of at least four inches.
(14) “Uplighting.” Any light source that distributes illumination above a 90-degree horizontal plane. See illustration 2 for uplighting below.
Illustration 2 - Uplighting
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)