(a) Establishment and Composition. The creation and composition of the Planning Commission shall be as provided in Chapter 1220, Planning Commission, of the Planning and Zoning Code.
(b) Quorum. A quorum shall consist of three members. Any action taken by the Planning Commission on any matter shall be effected by the concurring votes of at least three members.
(c) Meetings. The Planning Commission shall hold regular monthly meetings except when there is no business requiring Planning Commission action. The chairperson may call additional meetings at such other times as determined necessary. All meetings of the Planning Commission shall be open to the public.
(d) Rules. If a Commission member has a conflict of interest concerning an issue or owns a property within a 300 foot radius of the area being disturbed as a result of the application under consideration by the Planning Commission, that member shall step down while the issue is being heard, considered, and voted upon.
(e) Powers and Duties. For the purposes of this Code, the Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Make and adopt plans and maps of the Village of Walton Hills and periodically amend, extend, delete or add to the plans and maps.
(2) Review and act on all development plans required by this Code.
(3) Review and act on conditional zoning certificate applications according to the procedures, standards and criteria stated in this Code.
(4) Plan the location, construction and vacation of public buildings, thoroughfares, and public and private utilities.
(5) Review all proposed amendments to this Code and make recommendations to the Legislative Authority as provided in this Code.
(6) Determination of Similar Uses per the standards in Section 1258.06, Similar Uses.
(7) Investigate and propose on its own initiative such amendments to the Code as it may deem consistent with the purposes of this Code and which further the public health, safety, and general welfare of the Village of Walton Hills.
(8) Adopt rules and regulations in accordance with this Code as may be necessary to put into effect the powers and jurisdiction conferred herein.
(9) Adopt bylaws for the holding of regular and special meetings and for the transaction and disposition of its business.
(10) To perform such other functions as are referred or delegated to it by the Legislative Authority or the Mayor.
(11) Review and make recommendations on all matters of community growth and development.
(12) To review and act on sign plans, as required by Chapter 1296, according to the procedures, standards, and criteria stated in this Zoning Code.
(13) Consider, investigate, and report upon any special matter or question coming within the Commission's scope of work as provided for in this Zoning Code.
(14) To hear and decide all other matters referred to and upon which it is required to pass by this Code.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)