812.01 Regulation of basic cable television rates.
812.02 Establishment and duties of cable regulatory staff.
812.03 Computation of time.
812.04 Effective date of rate regulation for basic service and equipment.
812.05 Initiation of review of basic cable service and equipment rates.
812.06 Participation of interested parties.
812.07 Staff and Council review of basic cable rates and equipment costs.
812.08 Additional time for review of rates for basic service and equipment.
812.09 Small systems.
812.10 Written decision.
812.11 Proprietary information.
812.12 Forfeitures for noncompliance.
812.13 Burden of proof.
812.14 Notification of proposed rate increase.
812.15 Change in status of cable operator.
Interrupting or impairing television service - see Ohio R.C. 2909.04
Regulation of political broadcasts - see Ohio R.C. 3599.09
"Property" defined to include cable television service - see GEN. OFF. 606.01(o)
"Services" defined to include cable television service - see GEN. OFF. 642.01(a), (r)
Cable television regulations - see B.R. & T. Ch. 814
Dish-type satellite antennas - see P. & Z. Ch. 1276
Wireless telecommunications facilities - see P. & Z. Ch. 1278
The Village hereby adopts, by this chapter, the rate regulation rules promulgated by the FCC pursuant to the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992 ("1992 Cable Act"), 47 C.F.R., Part 76, Subpart N. The determination of the lawfulness of any cable television rate within the Village's jurisdiction will be made pursuant to these FCC rules or any successor FCC regulations. All terms used herein have the same meaning and application as in the FCC's cable rate regulation rules.
(Ord. 1993-34. Passed 12-7-93.)
(a) A cable regulatory staff ("the Staff") for the Village will be organized by the Mayor with the assistance, as desired, of the Cuyahoga County Mayors and Managers Association, in order to administer the regulation of basic cable service and equipment rates pursuant to the FCC's cable rate regulations and the 1992 Cable Act, with the aid of counsel and other consultants as may be needed. The Council may at any time delegate additional duties to the Staff.
(b) In all instances involving the determination of the lawfulness of a cable television service rate or rates, the Staff will present to the Council a recommended decision based on the record. The Council may adopt, amend or remand for further review a recommended decision of the Staff. The Council may also direct the Staff at any time to investigate issues pertaining to cable rate regulation and provide a recommended decision. Any adoption by the Council of any recommended decision by the Staff regarding the lawfulness of a cable television service rate or rates shall be considered a final decision. The Staff shall communicate the results of final decisions to the affected cable operators in writing.
(Ord. 1993-34. Passed 12-7-93.)