Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
Ord. No. | Date Passed | Description |
1952-15 | 3-4-52 | Appropriation of part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot No. 94 for use as a public hall, offices and structures for Council, Police etc. |
1953-2 | 1-6-53 | Notice of exercise of option to purchase property subject to lease contract under Ords. 1952-22 and 1952-25. |
Res. 1953-5 | 8-18-53 | Approving division of property of Bedford Twp. among Oakwood, Bedford Hts., Walton Hills and Bedford. |
1954-13 | 5-4-54 | Authorizes execution and delivery to City of Bedford of quit-claim deed to certain real property. |
Res. 1959-21 | 9-24-59 | Accepting deed from Bedford Sportspark, Inc., for water main purposes. |
1960-11 | 3-15-60 | Authorizes purchase of parts of Original Bedford Twp. Lots Nos. 76 and 86 for recreational purposes. |
Res. 1965-13 | 3-2-65 | Authorizes purchase of land at 7345 Dunham Rd. for erection of a pumping station. |
1965-23 | 7-20-65 | Authorizes purchase of certain property on Krick Rd. from John F. Thome. |
1968-23 | 9-3-68 | Authorizes purchase of part of Original Bedford Twp. Lots 65, 75 and 76 from Enness Realty Corp. and/or the Weather-Tite Co. |
1968-24 | 9-17-68 | Authorizes purchase of part of Original Bedford Twp. Lot 75 from Enness Realty Corp. and/or the Weather Tite Co. |
1974-8 | 3-5-74 | Authorizes purchase of real property owned by Gulf Oil Corp. |
1979-48 | 6-26-79 | Authorizes purchase of Permanent Parcel No. 794-11-3 from Sarah Mandats. |
1979-50 | 7-3-79 | Authorizes sale of Robinhurst Ave. |
1979-73 | 11-6-79 | Authorizes purchase of part of Permanent Parcel No. 794-29-13 from Jack I. Lashkow. |
1994-18 | 6-7-94 | Authorizes purchase of real property on Walton Rd. from David Roth. |
1997-6 | 5-6-97 | Authorizes purchase of 18.79 acres located on Dunham Rd. from the Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners. |
2000-8 | 4-18-00 | Authorizes transfer of approximately 6.3 acres of vacant land to Handle-It, Inc. as part of the Treat Road Extension Project. |
2001-8 | 1-2-01 | Authorizes sale of Permanent Parcel No. 793-20-017 to Patricia Runion and Robert Bednarski. |
2018-2 | 2-20-18 | Declaring Permanent Parcel No. 794-34-031 unnecessary for municipal purposes and conveying said parcel to Walton Hills Community Improvement Corporation. |
2018-3 | 2-20-18 | Declaring Permanent Parcel No. 794-29-036 unnecessary for municipal purposes and conveying said parcel to Walton Hills Community Improvement Corporation. |
2021-15 | 6-29-21 | Authorizing the Village to transfer title it holds to a certain property to a private purchaser for economic development purposes. |