(A)   A public agency may conduct any meeting, other than a closed session, through video teleconference.
   (B)   Notice of a video teleconference shall comply with the requirements of KRS 61.820 or 61.823 as appropriate, in addition the notice of a video teleconference shall:
      (1)   Clearly state that the meeting will be a video teleconference; and
      (2)   Precisely identify the video teleconference locations as well as which, if any, location is primary.
   (C)   The same procedure with regard to participation, distribution of materials, and other matters shall apply in all video teleconference locations.
   (D)   Any interruption in the video or audio broadcast of a video teleconference at any location shall result in the suspension of the video teleconference until the broadcast is restored.
(KRS 61.826)