(A)   A medical marijuana business permit may be suspended or revoked for any of the following violations:
      (1)   Conviction of the business, a permittee, or any owner, or primary caregiver of any violation of this chapter or any other law, rule, or regulation applicable to the use of medical marijuana or operation of a medical marijuana business;
      (2)   Misrepresentation or omission of any material fact, or false or misleading information, on the application or any amendment thereto, or any other information provided to the city related to the medical marijuana business;
      (3)   Violation of any law which, if occurring prior to submittal of the application, could have been cause for denial of the permit application;
      (4)   Distribution of medical marijuana, including, without limitation, transporting marijuana, in violation of this chapter or any other applicable law, rule, or regulation.
   (B)   In the event a business or permittee is charged with violation of any law, upon which a final judgment would be grounds for suspension or revocation of the permit, the city may suspend the permit pending the resolution of charges.
   (C)   If the city revokes or suspends a permit, the business may not move any marijuana from the premises except under the supervision of the city Police Department.
   (D)   In the event of the suspension of a medical marijuana business permit, during the period of suspension, the business:
      (1)   Shall post two notices provided by the City Clerk, in conspicuous places, one on the exterior and one on the interior of its premises for the duration of the suspension; and
      (2)   Shall not distribute or produce or test or transport marijuana, nor allow any customers into the permitted premises.
(Prior Code, § 114.57) (Ord. 2020-563, passed 1-16-2020) Penalty, see § 114.99