In addition to state and local Building and Fire Codes, the following requirements shall be enforced.
   (A)   Ventilation.
      (1)   A plan for ventilation of all medical marijuana facilities that describes the ventilation systems that will be used to prevent any odor of marijuana off the premises of the establishment must be submitted to the city. For retail and cultivation facilities, such plans shall also include all ventilation systems used to control the environment for the plants and describe how such systems operate with the systems preventing any odors leaving the premises.
      (2)   The required outdoor ventilation rate required for each retail marijuana establishment or a medical marijuana cultivation facility will be as follows:
         (a)   For marijuana cultivation facilities, eight persons per 1,000 square feet with a ventilation rate of 60 cubic feet per minute per person; and
         (b)   For retail stores, the licensed premises for marijuana transporters, retail marijuana product manufacturing facilities, and retail marijuana testing facilities and medical marijuana testing facilities eight persons for 1,000 square feet with a rate of 15 cubic feet per minute per person.
   (B)   Fire separation requirements. For medical marijuana dispensaries, a minimum of a two-hour fire separation will be required between all medical dispensaries and any adjacent business, unless higher performance is required by applicable law.
   (C)   Fire suppression requirements. For all buildings regardless of size containing medical marijuana cultivation, production, storage, or manufacturing, a Type 13 automatic sprinkler system will be required.
   (D)   Exterior electrical disconnect required. For all buildings containing medical marijuana cultivation, production, storage, or manufacturing, a NEMA Type 3 electrical disconnect will be required on the exterior of the building. The electrical disconnect must be labeled and in an accessible location.
(Prior Code, § 114.15) (Ord. 2020-563, passed 1-16-2020) Penalty, see § 114.99