Every dwelling and dwelling unit used as a human habitation, or held out for use as a human habitation and every outbuilding shall comply with all of the following minimum standards:
   (A)   Walls or partitions or supporting members, sills, joists, rafters or other structural members shall not list, lean or buckle, and shall not be rotted, deteriorated or damaged, and shall not have holes or cracks that might admit rodents.
   (B)   Floors and roofs shall have adequate supporting members and strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used.
   (C)   Foundations, foundation walls, piers or other foundation supports shall not be deteriorated or damaged.
   (D)   Steps, stairs, landings, porches, or other parts or appurtenances shall be maintained in such condition that they will not fail or collapse.
   (E)   The roof, flashings, exterior walls, basement walls, floors and all doors and windows exposed to the weather shall be constructed and maintained so as to be weather and watertight.
   (F)   Exterior foundation, walls and roofs. Every foundation wall, exterior wall and exterior roof shall be substantially weathertight and rodent-proof; shall be kept in sound condition and good repair; shall be capable of affording privacy; shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon. Every exterior wall shall be protected with paint or other protective covering to prevent the entrance or penetration of moisture or the weather.
   (G)   Windows and doors. Every window, exterior door, basement or cellar door, and hatchway shall be substantially weathertight, watertight and rodent-proof; and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair.
(Ord., passed 12-8-21)