Above ground storage tanks may be permitted subject to the following conditions and criteria:
   (A)   An application for the installation of an above ground storage tank shall be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Officer and a zoning permit issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer prior to the installation, construction or reconstruction of the above ground storage tank. Each application for installation shall be accompanied by a site plan, drawn to scale, showing accurate dimensions of the lot, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this chapter, including the height, diameter, color, location, foundation details, landscaping and screening, including the plant materials and other materials to be used for screening or otherwise;
   (B)   No above ground storage tank shall be constructed or installed in any front yard, but shall be constructed or installed to the side or the rear of the dwelling or principal building;
   (C)   Not more than one above ground storage tank shall be constructed or maintained on any lot or combination of lots;
   (D)   Any above ground storage tank shall be effectively screened from any adjacent property including lakes and golf courses or public right-of-way. The screen may be structures, wood or masonry fence, or evergreen plant materials, or earth berms, which uniformly reduce the view from the adjacent property or right-of-way at least 75% to a height of six feet above ground elevation year round. If evergreen plant materials are used for screening, they shall provide the required screen at the time of initial planting and shall be maintained in good condition by owner. If a fence or wall is used for screening, plantings on the outside of the fence or wall shall be installed which will hide the horizontal view of the fence or wall by more than 50% at the time of the installation of the fence or wall;
   (E)   An above ground storage tank shall not exceed a grade height of six feet;
   (F)   The materials used in constructing the above ground storage tanks shall not be bright, shiny, garish, or reflective. Landscaping and screen materials as required herein shall harmonize with the elements and characteristics of the property upon which the above ground storage tank is located;
   (G)   All above ground storage tanks constructed and erected prior to the effective date of this chapter which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall be accepted as nonconforming above ground storage tanks for a period of 12 months from the effective date of this chapter. Thereafter, the above ground storage tanks shall be subject to immediate abatement by way of removal or through modification or relocation to comply with the standards of this chapter; and
   (H)   This section shall apply to residential property only.
(Ord., passed 6-26-02)