(A)   It is unlawful to violate any of the following conditions in or on any land within the corporate limits of the city.
      (1)   Cruelty to animals. No person shall cruelly or immoderately beat, torture, or injure any animal nor underfeed, overburden, or abandon any animal.
      (2)   Fowl and other livestock. No person shall keep within the city any ducks, geese, or other domesticated fowl (with the exception of chickens) or any cows, goats, sheep, hogs, pigs, or other livestock except such livestock or poultry as is kept in yards or pens of the railway company for shipping purposes or kept in pens, houses, or yards of the stockyards, packing houses, or butcher shops for the purpose of immediate shipment or slaughter and except such livestock as is necessary on rodeo grounds at the time of a scheduled rodeo for public entertainment or livestock as is necessary for roping events or at the time an animal is scheduled to participate in a public parade.
         (a)   Chickens will be allowed with the following restrictions.
            1.   An annual permit is required.
            2.   A drawing of the location for the chicken coop will be required on the permit.
            3.   Pens will be allowed in the backyard only.
            4.   Secured buildings and pens are required; chickens cannot run loose.
            5.   Neighbors adjacent to the property will need to sign off on the permit for approval.
            6.   A privacy fence may be required to accommodate neighbors.
            7.   There shall be a yearly inspection at any time without notice.
            8.   Domestic hens only, with a limitation of ten, are permissible; roosters are prohibited.
            9.   Healthy conditions of hens must be maintained.
            10.   Cleanliness of the enclosures and pens must be maintained.
            11.   All feed and water shall be kept secure, clean, and in adequate containers.
            12.   Regulations regarding noncompliance will result in loss of permit.
         (b)   No person may keep or cause to be kept any place where any fowl of any animals are suffered to fight upon exhibition or for sport upon any wager.
      (3)   Horses. No person shall keep, within the city, any horses except when such horse or horses shall be kept at least 75 feet from any residential structure.
      (4)   Pigeons. No person owning or having in his or her charge, control, or possession any pigeons shall suffer, allow, or permit the same to roam or fly at large within the city.
      (5)   Bees. No person shall keep any bees within the city.
      (6)   Maintenance of stables and other places where animals kept. No person shall cause or allow any stable or place where any animal is kept to become unclean or unwholesome.
      (7)   Horses prohibited in parks and parkways. No person shall lead, drive, or ride any horse upon any lawn, flower bed, sidewalk, or any other area in any city park or upon any parkway.
   (B)   Impoundment. Any livestock or animals that are in the city illegally shall be impounded by law enforcement. Law enforcement may destroy any sick or injured animal which has been impounded, if its condition is such as to make its destruction necessary or desirable.
(Prior Code, § 6.04.095) (Ord. 18-05, passed 6-1-2018; Ord. 19-01, passed 6-3-2019; Ord. 20-03, passed 7-16-2020) Penalty, see § 90.99