(A)   No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any municipal sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining written permit from the Superintendent.
   (B)   Any person desiring sewer service from the municipal sewer system for premises not theretofore connected with the system shall apply to the Sewer Superintendent for a permit. There shall be one class of building sewer permit for residential and commercial service. The owner or his or her agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the municipality. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications, or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Superintendent. A permit and inspection fee of $5 for a residential or commercial building sewer permit shall be paid to the Municipal Finance Officer at the time the application is filed. Upon application for such permit, the applicant shall pay to the Municipal Finance Officer as and for an availability charge.
      (1)   Owners of commercial premises shall pay $150 for connection to the sewage system.
      (2)   Owners of residential premises shall pay $100 for connection to the sewage system.
   (C)   Out-of-city limit users shall pay $500 for connection to the sewage system. Out-of-city limit users shall be subject to unsubsidized fees.
   (D)   The above connections fees may be set by resolution.
(Prior Code, § 13.16.030) (Ord. 01-22, passed - -; Ord. 10-8, passed 9-9-2010) Penalty, see § 53.99