(A)   Finances. It shall be the duty of the City Finance Officer to track the finances for the cemetery with the city finances. Checking and/or saving accounts will be kept separate from city funds and shall be maintained by the City Finance Officer. Interest from saving accounts shall be divided with half the amount deposited into the checking account and half of the amount to be reinvested.
(Prior Code, § 2.19.030)
   (B)   Cemetery lots and records. It shall be the duty of the Finance Officer to sell any cemetery lot. Lots shall be sold at a price as set from time to time. There shall be no more than two occupants in a lot, whether it is a burial or cremation or any combination thereof. Records of cemetery deeds and lots shall be kept in duplication within the Finance Office.
(Prior Code, § 2.19.050)
(Ord. 10-16, passed 12-30-2010)