(A)   Board established. There is established a Library Board for the city to be composed of two Council members and a maximum of five lay members including officers. All members of the Board are authorized to vote. The City Council may, at will, increase or decrease the membership of the Board by resolution. The Library Board shall be responsible for the evaluation of all librarians. Evaluations shall be done on an annual basis and completed by December 1. The Library Board shall have power to formulate and adopt bylaws for its government not inconsistent with the provisions of this code and may amend the same under such rules and procedure as it shall in such bylaws provide.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.010)
   (B)   Officers. The officers of the Library Board shall be the President, Vice President, and Secretary. The Board President shall be in charge of all meetings or the Vice President, in the absence of the President.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.020)
   (C)   Meetings. The Board shall, at a minimum, hold quarterly meetings and special meetings for the transaction of business as deemed necessary and as provided for in its bylaws.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.030)
   (D)   Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings and to keep an accurate record of all meeting minutes and provide a copy to each member of the Board. A copy of all the minutes shall be filed with the City Finance Officer by the librarian, and copies shall be provided to the Mayor and the City Council. All minutes shall be reviewed by the City Council at the following regular meeting.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.040)
   (E)   Librarian. It shall be the duty of the librarian to submit all bills to the City Finance Officer for payment.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.050)
   (F)   Finances. It shall be the duty of the City Finance Officer to track the finances for the library with the city finances. Checking and/or savings account will be kept separate from city funds and shall be maintained by the City Finance Officer. Bills shall be submitted for payment no later than 2:00 p.m. the day before the City Council meeting.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.060)
   (G)   Budget. A proposed budget for expenses and revenues shall be submitted upon request to the Finance Officer on an annual basis.
(Prior Code, § 2.18.070)
(Ord. 10-15, passed 12-30-2010)