(A)   Participation. The city shall be a participating municipality in the State Retirement System, as provided by law, for the purpose of general employees in its employ under the State Retirement System, hereinafter called the “retirement system.”
      (1)   The effective date of the city’s participation in the retirement system is January 1, 1966.
      (2)   All general employees of the city on or after January 1, 1966, whose status and hours of employment meet the requirements of the retirement system shall be included in the membership of the retirement system.
(Prior Code, § 2.32.010)
   (B)   Payments into plan. The City Finance Officer is directed to deduct the applicable percentage of the salaries paid to general employees and forward same to the retirement system; such deductions to be made from each and every eligible employee’s salary on each and every payroll after January 1, 1966. The City Finance Officer is further directed to pay, from city funds, a matching applicable percentage that was paid by employees participating in the retirement plan and forward same to the retirement system together with payment of employees’ applicable percentage.
(Prior Code, § 2.32.020)