The following are hereby declared to constitute public nuisances:
   (A)   Abandoned property. Any deteriorated, wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled, inoperable, and/or abandoned property in unusable condition having no value other than nominal scrap or junk value which has been left unprotected outside of a permanent home structure from the element. Without being so restricted, this shall include deteriorated, wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled, inoperable, abandoned, and/or unlicensed motor vehicles, abandoned mobile homes, trailers, boats, machinery, refrigerators, washing machines, and other appliances, plumbing fixtures, furniture, building materials, and any other similar articles in such condition. This shall not include any item which may be reasonably recognized as an antique by dealers in those types of items;
   (B)   Unsafe structures. Structures that are unsafe, constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare shall be taken down and removed or made safe. A vacant structure that is not secured against entry shall be deemed unsafe;
   (C)   Breeding place for flies, rodents, and/or pests. The unhealthful accumulation or stockpiling of manure, garbage, tires, debris, or discarded items;
   (D)   Combustible materials. Any dangerous accumulation upon any property of combustible refuse matter such as papers, sweepings, rags, grass, dead trees, tree branches, wood shavings, wood, magazines, cardboard, and the like;
   (E)   Garbage and refuse. Household waste (including, but not limited to, items such as paper, rags, trash, garbage, discarded clothing, shoes, curtains, linen and other apparel, tin cans, aluminum cans, plastic containers, glass containers, cleaning utensils, cooking utensils, and discarded household fixtures) when such items are stored, collected, piled, or kept on private or public property and in view of adjacent properties or public rights-of-way;
   (F)   Fill. Filling a gravel pit or other hydrologically- or environmentally-sensitive area with something other than clean fill;
   (G)   Impure water. Any well or supply of water which is not in compliance with or is in violation of sanitary sewer district regulations, state water regulations, or state waste laws or county ordinances;
   (H)   Manure disposal. Any outspread accumulation of manure which has been transported from the point of generation. Any manure deposited within 300 feet of a residence without benefit of incorporation into the soil;
   (I)   Polluting river. Depositing any dead animal, decayed animal, vegetable matter, garbage, discarded items, manure, or any slops or filth whatever, either solid or fluid, into any water body designated or undesignated as a source of water supply or allowing such material to be deposited or remain in an area where runoff from such material may end up on such water body;
   (J)   Transport of materials. Deposition, permitting deposition, or negligent deposition on any road, highway, or public right-of-way any manure, seepage, garbage rubbish, fill, fuel, fertilizers, wastes, chemicals, or wood while engaged in handling or removing any such substances;
   (K)   Vegetation. Weeds and grass, exclusive of crops and pasture land, growing to a height of greater than eight inches; and
   (L)   Adult-oriented stores and premises. Adult bookstores, adult entertainment cabarets, or adult motion picture theaters that are located within 1,000 feet of any existing residential zone, school, church, park, playing fields, or other areas in which large numbers of minors regularly travel or congregate.
(Prior Code, § 8.24.050) (Ord. 03-1, passed - -) Penalty, see § 92.99