(A)   Authority. The Henderson Field Airport Advisory Commission (“the Commission”) has been established by the Town Council.
   (B)   Purpose and intent. The town operates the Henderson Field Airport (“the airport”) for the benefit of all residents, business owners and visitors of Pender County and the town. The Town Council seeks to ensure that the airport is maintained and developed in such a manner that it will continue to be a high-quality aviation facility for its users and a good neighbor in the community, recognizing that both the users and community may change as the county and town continue to grow and develop. The Commission has been established to assist and advise the Town Council in the implementation of these objectives.
   (C)   Powers and duties. The Airport Commission shall be responsible for recommending broad policies that affect the care and maintenance of the airport and rules and regulations for safe and proper operation of the airport via the staff member assigned to the airport. The Commission is hereby further invested with specific powers as the Town Council shall prescribe through this chapter. The Airport Advisory Commission shall have the following duties:
      (1)   To operate, maintain and regulate the Henderson Field Airport, subject to any limitations set out in this section;
      (2)   To make recommendations regarding expenditure of municipal funds;
      (3)   To make recommendations on the lease of real or personal property at the Henderson Field Airport, either from or to private individuals, subject to approval by resolution of the Town Council in each instance; and
      (4)   To develop plans and make recommendations to the Town Council for the future use and development of the Henderson Field Airport.
   (D)   Membership. The Commission shall consist of seven voting members; one shall be appointed by the Town Council and one member of the Pender County Commission or its designee shall be appointed by the Pender County Commissioners. At the discretion of the Town Council, it may appoint one additional at-large member.
      (1)   Due to being elected officials, appointees from the Town Council and Pender County Commissioners can be removed from the Commission at its governing body’s discretion, regardless of the member’s term expiration.
      (2)   The remaining five regular members are to be made up of individuals in surrounding communities with backgrounds, qualifications and knowledge that will positively contribute to the Commission’s ability to lead the airport. When feasible, the Commission shall consist of fair representation from all surrounding communities.
      (3)   At-large appointments are to be voting members that are appointed by the Town Council. At-large appointees should consist of individuals with expertise in industry topics related to airport operations and development.
      (4)   The terms of office for each Commission member shall be three years, ending on December 31, except in case of a vacancy occurring during the term. The terms of the members shall be staggered so that the terms of no more than three members expire in any one year.
      (5)   If the Town Council or Pender County Commissioners does not appoint a new member or reappoint an existing member on or before the expiration of a member’s term, that member may hold over on a month-to-month basis until such time as the member is either reappointed or a new person has been appointed to the position.
      (6)   Members of the Commission may be removed at any time with or without cause by two-thirds vote of the Council.
   (E)   Subcommittees. The Commission may form standing or ad hoc subcommittees, as needed, and the Chairperson shall appoint committee members to serve on each.
   (F)   Officers.
      (1)   The officers of the Committee shall be the Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.
      (2)   The Committee shall elect from within its membership, at its regular meeting in January of each year, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson. The new elected officers shall take office upon election. A vacancy in the position shall be promptly filled by the Commission, and such replacement officer shall serve out the remainder of the term.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of the Chair to preside over all meetings of the Commission, to appoint chairs of any standing or ad hoc subcommittees, and to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Commission. The Chairperson shall also be responsible for the following actions:
         (a)   Motions in or out of order;
         (b)   Determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of courtesy in his or her remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other members on this ground;
         (c)   To call a brief recess at any time; and
         (d)   To adjourn in an emergency.
      (4)   It shall be the duty of the Vice Chair to assist the Chair in the execution of that office, to preside at meetings in the event of the absence of the Chair, and to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Chair or as may be prescribed by the Commission.
      (5)   The Airport Manager shall serve as Secretary to the Commission. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain the minutes and other records of the Commission and to receive communications and correspondence addressed to the Commission.
   (G)   Meetings of the Commission.
      (1)   Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month, unless that day is a holiday; in which case, that meeting shall be scheduled at the prior meeting. Meetings shall be held in the Airport Terminal Conference Room. Any further changes to the date and time of the regular meeting shall be made upon a majority vote of the Commission members present at any duly organized meeting of the Commission and a notice given to the Town Council within 30 days of the amendment’s effective date.
      (2)   Monthly meetings may be canceled due to lack of business or interfering schedules with holidays or other activities. This decision will be agreed upon between Commission members and the Airport Manager.
      (3)   Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chair or by a majority of members.
      (4)   Agendas for meetings shall be prepared by town staff and emailed to all Commission members and others on the approved agenda mailing list at least one week prior to a meeting.
      (5)   All meetings shall be open to the public. The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows: roll call; approval of minutes; old business; new business; consideration of other business; and adjournment.
   (H)   Quorum and voting.
      (1)   The presence of any four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business duly presented at a meeting of the Commission, even if one or more members must abstain from voting on a particular item of business. The Chair shall be considered for the purposes of establishing a quorum and shall act as a voting member. If the Commission has one or more unfilled vacancies, the presence of any four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
      (2)   Each member of the Commission shall have one vote, which shall be exercised by the member, if present at a meeting, unless required to abstain due to an actual or perceived conflict of interest.
      (3)   If all voting members are present, a tie vote may be broken by the Chair. If a tie occurs with less than the full Commission present to vote on the item, the Chair may vote on the item or direct that the item be brought back for reconsideration at the next meeting of the Commission.
      (4)   No Commission member should take part in the consideration or determination of any case in which he or she is personally or financially interested.
      (5)   In the event that a member must excuse themselves from the proceedings (due to conflict of interest or any other reason), that member shall leave the room in which the meeting is being held (upon a motion and second) and shall return subsequent to the decision of the Airport Commission (upon a motion and second).