(A) All operators, as part of the application process, must show and demonstrate business and financial ability to the satisfaction of the Airport Commission/Town Council.
(B) The town will not accept or take action on a request to lease building space or land area or a request for assignment of an existing lease or in any way permit the installation of a commercial aeronautical activity until after the applicant, in writing, submits a proposal which clearly sets forth the scope and type of operations being proposed, including the following:
(1) The name and address of the applicant;
(2) The proposed aeronautical operation or activity sought;
(3) The proposed land use and facility needs sought;
(4) The names and qualifications of the personnel to be involved in conducting the activity;
(5) The financial responsibility and technical ability of the applicant and operator to carry out said operations or activity, including historical evidence of satisfactory performance of previous similar activity;
(6) The tools, equipment, services and inventory, if any, associated with the proposed activity;
(7) The requested or proposed date for commencement of the activity and the term conducting the same;
(8) The estimated cost of any structure or facility to be furnished, the proposed specifications for the same, and the means or method of financing such construction or acquisition of facilities; and
(9) Other information the Airport Commission/Town Council may require and specifically request.
(C) Only applications completed according to the requirements will be considered. Upon approval of any such application in principal, the Town Council or designated agent shall prepare a suitable lease or contract agreement setting forth the terms and conditions under which the operator shall be conducted. Any rejected application shall be returned to the applicant within 30 calendar days of the rejection with a written explanation of the reasons for rejection. Candidates are invited to resubmit at their discretion.
(Ord. passed - -2019)
Any operator or tenant who violates these minimum standards will be given written notice by the Airport Commission/Town Council describing the violation and suggesting corrective action (hereafter referred to as a “notice of violation”). The tenant may be given a specified and reasonable time period to correct any violations. If the tenant does not correct the cited violation(s) in the prescribed manner and time, the tenant’s lease and continued use of airport facilities are subject to termination.
(Ord. passed - -2019)
(A) The minimum standards contained herein may be revised, supplemented and/or amended by the town from time to time in such a manner as to reflect changes at the airport and fairness and consistency to all existing and prospective future airport tenants.
(B) Violation of the rules and regulations may be considered reason to restrict or terminate the activities on the airport for said person or tenant. Upon written notice of the violation and restriction, the Town Council, in lieu of termination of the lease or contract, can conclude that the person or tenant could correct the violation so that the violation is eliminated. Any restriction may be limited to certain areas of the airport or may be limited to a certain time period, depending upon the violation.
(1) If any conflict is found between provisions of this subchapter, the more stringent provision shall prevail. If any provisions of this subchapter or application thereof are held invalid, it shall not effect or impose other provisions of this subchapter. To this end, the provisions of this subchapter are declared to be severable.
(2) Any published FAA regulation shall become effective as part of this subchapter without requiring any action on the part of the Town Council. A copy of these minimum standards and any adopted changes will be available at the Town Manager’s office.
(Ord. passed - -2019)