For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AIRPORT. The Town Municipal Airport.
AIRPORT ELEVATION. The established elevation of the highest point on the usable landing area.
AIRPORT HAZARD. Any structure, tree or use of land which obstructs the airspace required for or is otherwise hazardous to the flight of aircraft in landing or taking-off at the airport.
AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT. The point established as the approximate geographic center of the airport landing area and so designated.
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. The Board consisting of five members appointed by the Town Council, as provided in the general statutes.
HEIGHT. For the purpose of determining the height limits in all zones set forth in this subchapter and shown on the Zoning Map, the datum shall be mean sea level elevation unless otherwise specified.
INSTRUMENT RUNWAY. A runway equipped or to be equipped with electronic or visual air navigation aids adequate to permit the landing of aircraft under restricted visibility conditions.
LANDING AREA. The area of the airport used for the landing, take-off or taxiing of aircraft.
NON-CONFORMING USE. Any structure, tree or use of land which is lawfully in existence at the time the regulation is prescribed in the subchapter or an amendment thereto becomes effective and does not then meet the requirements of the regulation.
NON-INSTRUMENT RUNWAY. A runway other than an instrument runway.
PERSON. An individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association or body politic and includes a trustee, receiver, assignee, administrator, executor, guardian or other representative.
RUNWAY. The paved surface of an airport landing strip.
STRUCTURE. An object constructed or installed by humans including, but without limitation, buildings, towers, smokestacks and overhead transmission lines.
(Prior Code, § 150.02) (Ord. passed 3-14-1963)
(A) In order to carry out the provisions of this subchapter, there are created and established certain zones which include all of the land lying within the instrument approach zones, non-instrument approach zones, transition zones, horizontal zones and conical zone. The areas and zones are shown on the Town Municipal Airport Zoning Map, which is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof.
(B) The various zones are established and defined as follows.
(1) Instrument approach zone. An instrument approach zone is established at each end of the instrument runway for instrument landings and take-offs. The instrument approach zones shall have a width of 1,000 feet at a distance of 200 feet beyond each end of the runway, widening thereafter uniformly to a width of 16,000 feet at a distance of 50,200 feet beyond each end of the runway, its centerline being the continuation of the centerline of the runway.
(2) Non-instrument approach zone. A non-instrument approach zone is established at each end of all non-instrument runways on the Town Municipal Airport for non-instrument landings and take-offs. The non-instrument approach zone shall have a width of 250 feet at a distance of 200 feet beyond each end of the runway, widening thereafter uniformly to a distance of 10,200 feet beyond each end of the runway, its centerline being the continuation of the centerline of the runway.
(3) Transition zones. Transition zones are established adjacent to each instrument and non-instrument runway and approach zone, as indicated on the Zoning Map. Transition zones symmetrically located on either side of runways have variable widths, as shown on the Zoning Map. Transition zones extend outward from a line 125 feet on either side of the centerline of the non-instrument runway for the length of the runway plus 200 feet on each end and 500 feet on either side of the centerline of the instrument runway for the length of the runway, plus 200 feet on each end and are parallel and level with the runway centerlines. The transition zones along the runways slope upward and outward one foot vertically for each seven feet horizontally to the point where they intersect the surface of the horizontal zone. Further, transition zones are established adjacent to both instrument and non-instrument approach zones for the entire length of the approach zones. These transition zones have variable widths, as shown on the Zoning Map. The transition zones flare symmetrically with either side of the runway approach zones from the base of the zones and slope upward and outward at the rate of one foot vertically for each seven feet horizontally to the points where they intersect the surfaces of the horizontal and conical zones. Additionally, transition zones are established adjacent to the instrument approach zone where it projects through and beyond the limits of the conical zone, extending a distance of 5,000 feet measured horizontally from the edge of the instrument approach zones at right angles to the continuation of the centerline of the runway.
(4) Horizontal zone. A horizontal zone is established as the area within a circle with its center at the airport reference point and having a radius of 5,000 feet. The horizontal zone does not include the instrument and non-instrument approach zones and the transition zones.
(5) Conical zone. A conical zone is established as the area that commences at the periphery of the horizontal zone and extends outward therefrom a distance of 3,000 feet. The conical zone does not include the instrument approach zones and transition zones.
(Prior Code, § 150.03) (Ord. passed 3-14-1963)