(A)   Chief of Police to install. The Chief of Police, as directed by the Mayor and City Council, shall install automatic signal lights for the controlling of traffic at intersections of the streets and alleys of the city as deemed necessary.
   (B)   Specifications. Such automatic signal lights shall be of a standard variety with alternating red and green lights, except that when deemed advisable, a standard variety of blinking lights may be used.
   (C)   Applicability. When such automatic signal lights are installed and operating, the movement of all traffic at such intersections, both pedestrians and vehicles, shall be governed by such automatic signal lights.
   (D)   Visibility. Each such light shall be so installed that it shall be plainly visible from all streets entering the intersection at which such light is installed, and shall have facing each street entering such intersection alternating red and green lights.
   (E)   Red light. When such lights display red toward a street, all persons and vehicles approaching such intersection on said street shall come to a complete stop, and shall remain stopped and not cross such intersection until the green light facing such street shall be illuminated.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-5) Penalty, see § 10.99