§ 53.01 LIBRARY.
   (A)   Establishment. Pursuant to Idaho Code Title 33, Chapter 26, a city library is established.
   (B)   Organization and taxation. The city library has the power to levy and cause to be collected a tax as allowed by Idaho Code, or may be funded out of allocations from the city’s General Fund.
   (C)   Library Board. There shall be a Library Board of Trustees appointed by the Mayor and City Council from among city residents, which Board shall operate in accordance with provisions of Idaho Code Title 33, Chapter 26, regarding all powers, duties, meetings, vacancies, and the appointment of library director and other employees.
   (D)   Library personnel. Pursuant to provisions of Idaho Code § 33-2608, employees hired by the Library Board of Trustees are subject to city personnel policies and classifications unless otherwise provided by ordinance. Therefore, it is declared that all personnel hired by the Library Board of Trustees for the operation and maintenance of the city’s library shall be city employees, and shall be subject to the library personnel policies, salary, and payroll classifications, and vacation and sick leave benefit provisions.
   (E)   Administration. The city shall provide administrative assistance to the Library Board of Trustees by providing payroll, benefits, and other services to library personnel as requested and approved by the Library Board of Trustees.
   (F)   Expenditures. All tax revenues received by the City Treasurer shall be set apart from other city revenues in a separate account, under Idaho Code § 33-2603 and used solely for library expenditures. Annual budgets for all library expenditures must be prepared by the Library Board of Trustees and approved by the City Council.
   (G)   Donations. Donations or gifts provided to the city for the benefit of the library shall be used only for library purposes and may be expended by the Library Board of Trustees only in accordances with the city budget process. All donations and gifts shall be budgeted along with other library accounts.