(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the C-1 District is to permit the establishment of convenience business uses which tend to meet the daily needs for the residents of the immediate neighborhood.
   (B)   Location. Such District shall be strategically located with access to a collector thoroughfare.
   (C)   Marginal strip development. Marginal strip development shall be prohibited.
   (D)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the Neighborhood Business District:
      (1)   Beauty or barber shops;
      (2)   Drug stores; and
      (3)   Food stores.
   (E)   Conditional uses. Service stations are conditional uses permitted in this District.
   (F)   Yards. In the Neighborhood Business District, the yards shall be as follows:
      (1)   Front yard minimum shall be ten feet;
      (2)   Rear yard minimum shall be five feet;
      (3)   There shall be no requirements for interior sides; and
      (4)   Street side shall be ten feet.
   (G)   Building height. No building shall be more than four stories in height.
(Prior Code, § 13-6-2-6) (Ord. 468, passed 4-15-1980)