(A)   Purpose; density. The purpose of an R-2 District is to promote the establishment of medium density, two-family and multiple-family dwellings not to exceed 12 dwelling units per net acre.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in an R-2 District:
      (1)   Home occupations;
      (2)   Multi-family dwellings;
      (3)   Rooming or boarding houses;
      (4)   Single-family dwellings; and
      (5)   Two-family dwellings.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses are conditional uses:
      (1)   Cemeteries;
      (2)   Churches;
      (3)   Elementary or high schools;
      (4)   Foster care homes;
      (5)   Fraternities, sorority houses, or dormitories;
      (6)   Homes for children (daycare centers);
      (7)   Hospitals;
      (8)   Hotels;
      (9)   Mobile home parks;
      (10)   Mobile homes;
      (11)   Nurseries for flowers and plants;
      (12)   Nursing homes for the aged;
      (13)   Planned unit developments;
      (14)   Public uses; and
      (15)   Semi-public uses.
   (D)   Yards. Yards shall be as follows:
      (1)   Front yard minimum front setback shall be 25 feet; and
      (2)   Side yard minimum side setback shall be three feet.
   (E)   Mobile home park. Mobile home parks are acceptable as a conditional use, provided they shall meet or exceed the following design standards.
      (1)   Lot areas and density as hereby established shall be considered the minimum requirements within a mobile home park.
         (a)   Minimum area requirement for a mobile home park shall be three acres.
         (b)   A minimum of 10% of the land area within the mobile home park shall be provided for definable play areas and open spaces within the mobile home park. Such areas of open space and/or play areas shall not be areas included within any setbacks, parking areas, or roads, nor shall they include any areas of less than 20 feet in length or width.
         (c)   The minimum lot area per unit shall be 3,750 square feet, including underground utility easements, private drives, and parking spaces, but excluding street rights-of-way.
      (2)   Lot coverage and setback requirements shall be:
         (a)   Maximum lot coverage for the mobile home park development shall be 50%. Computations shall be based on all structures within said park;
         (b)   Minimum distance between mobile homes shall be not less than ten feet, the point of measurement being a straight line between the closest points of the units being measured;
         (c)   When a mobile home park abuts a single-family residential use area, there shall be a buffer area of 30 feet. There will be a 25-foot street setback from the public right-of-way line to any mobile home structure. Landscaping shall be according to a landscape plan, to be submitted at the time of application. Such plan shall show the type of planting material, size, and planting schedule;
         (d)   All mobile home parks shall have access to an arterial or collector street, and street access shall be discouraged into or upon local single-family residential area streets; and
         (e)   Average park density shall not exceed eight mobile home units per gross acre.
      (3)   General internal park development requirements shall be:
         (a)   There shall be a minimum front yard setback from the mobile home unit to the street line of 25 feet, except where otherwise stipulated in this division (E)(3); and
         (b)   Mobile home stands shall:
            1.   Be at such elevation, distance, and angle relative to the street and driveway that placement and removal of the mobile home with a car, tow truck, or other customary moving equipment is practical;
            2.   Have a longitudinal grade of less than 4% and transverse crown or grade to provide adequate surface drainage; and
            3.   Be compacted and surfaced with material which will prevent the growth of vegetation while supporting the maximum anticipated loads during all seasons.
      (4)   Parking requirements shall be as follows.
         (a)   Off-street parking areas shall be surfaced in accordance with the street surface standards below.
         (b)   All required off-street parking space shall be located not further than 200 feet from the unit or units for which they are designated.
         (c)   A minimum of one and one-fourth spaces of parking must be provided for each mobile home unit space provided within the park. The one-unit space for occupant use must be within the distance from the unit established above. The remaining space equivalent to one-fourth space must be in group compounds at an appropriate location within the park.
         (d)   Streets shall adhere to the following standards.
            1.   Streets shall be of sufficient width so as to permit ease of access to the mobile home parking stands and the placement and removal of mobile homes without causing damage to or otherwise jeopardizing the safety of any occupants or mobile homes in the park.
            2.   Streets shall have a minimum width so as to permit two moving lanes of traffic, and the minimum lane width shall be ten feet.
            3.   Public access to a mobile home park shall be so designated as to permit a minimum number of ingress and egress points to control traffic movement, and to keep undesirable traffic out of the park.
            4.   Streets shall be graded to ensure surface drainage to the storm sewer system.
            5.   Streets and parking areas shall be surfaced for all travel with crushed stone gravel or other suitable material.
      (5)   Storage of large items such as boats, boat trailers, and the like shall not be accomplished at the site of the mobile home unit, but, rather, shall be provided in separate screened areas of the park.
      (6)   Maintenance standards shall be as follows.
         (a)   The operator of any mobile home park, or a duly-authorized attendant or caretaker, shall be in charge at all times to keep the mobile home park, its facilities, and its equipment in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition.
         (b)   The attendant or caretaker shall be answerable, with said operator, for the violation of provisions of these regulations to which said operator is subject.
      (7)   No building in Zone R-2 shall be more than four stories in height.
(Prior Code, § 13-6-2-5) (Ord. 468, passed 4-15-1980)