(A)   It is the duty of the city to secure the general health of the city, to prevent and remove nuisances, to provide the city with water, to make regulations to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into the city, to make quarantine laws for that purpose and to enforce such laws, rules, and regulations adopted pursuant to such laws within the city limits and within five miles of the city limits; to secure the general health of the city, its inhabitants and residents, and all persons within said city, it is necessary that provision be made for furnishing an adequate supply of pure, sanitary, and wholesome water at all times; in order that an adequate supply of pure, sanitary, and wholesome water be so provided, the watershed or water sheds from which the water supply of said city and its inhabitants and persons within said city is obtained must be kept at all times in a pure and sanitary condition and free from every kind and species of excreta, garbage, house slops, kitchen wastes, or decaying, foul, or noxious matter, and from refuse from pens, corrals, barns, or other places in which animals or fowl are customarily harbored and kept, and free from every manner of contamination.
   (B)   The city has heretofore by Ordinance 474, as described in Table III of this code’s Table of Special Ordinances, granted a franchise for the construction and operation of a system of waterworks to supply water to said city and its inhabitants, and, by said ordinance, has agreed to adopt and enforce such ordinances as may be necessary to protect the grantee named in said ordinance against the pollution of the source of water supply.
(Prior Code, § 10-1-1)