(A)   (1)   Mobile homes. All licenses issued unto the operators of mobile homes shall be personal to the licensee and shall not be transferable.
      (2)   Mobile home parks. All licenses issued unto operators of mobile home parks shall be personal to the licensee and not be transferable without the written consent of the City Council first being obtained.
(Prior Code, § 3-4-13)
   (B)   (1)   Power to revoke. The City Council may revoke any permit to maintain a mobile home or license to maintain and operate a mobile home park when the person covered has been found guilty of violating any provisions of this chapter or other state or federal law pertaining thereto.
      (2)   Reissuance. After such revocation, a permit or license may be reissued if the circumstance leading to the revocation has been remedied and the mobile home or mobile home park is maintained and operated in full compliance with this chapter or any other ordinance or statute pertaining thereto.
(Prior Code, § 3-4-14) (Ord. 360, passed 4-13-1961)