No vendor may operate mobile concessions on public property, unless done in accordance with this chapter and the specific requirements herein.
   (A)   Every vendor must possess a valid state seller’s permit, unless otherwise exempted by law.
   (B)   Each concession must comply with all local ordinances involving signage and sign codes.
   (C)   Each mobile concession must have attached, or located immediately adjacent thereto, a trash or garbage disposal container capable of holding all trash and garbage generated by the operation of the concession. The container shall be emptied periodically as necessary in order to ensure, at all times, public access and use of the container. Each vendor or his, her, or its employee shall, at all times, keep his, her, or its concession and the immediate area surrounding (within 25 feet) free of litter, grease, garbage, and other debris which results from his, her, or its operation.
   (D)   Mobile concessions shall not use city utilities or property, including, but not limited to, picnic tables, benches, electrical power, garbage or trash containers, or potable water, without written permission from the city.
   (E)   Mobile concessions situated on public property, including public streets, shall not remain stationary for any continuous period exceeding three days.
   (F)   Every vendor must comply with all local Fire Code requirements and each mobile food concession shall contain at least one functional fire extinguisher approved by the Fire Department.
   (G)   Disposal of wastewater and grease must be in compliance with those regulations set out in the state’s Plumbing Code and otherwise in the this code of ordinances.
   (H)   (1)   All mobile food concessions, excluding mobile food carts, operating on public property within the city must be confined to the following geographical area boundary (which map is available in the office of the City Clerk upon request):
         (a)   The area on Seventh Street immediately adjacent to Magnuson Park between Cedar Street and the alley between Cedar Street and Bank Street; and
         (b)   The area on Cedar Street between Seventh Street and the Barnard Building.
      (2)   At no time should a mobile food concession block any alley or street or park in any way so as to restrict the free movement of vehicle traffic.
      (3)   Mobile food concessions will be required to relocate from locations specifics in divisions (H)(1) and (H)(2) above during events/festivals. Permitted mobile concessions may choose to do one of the following during an event/festival:
         (a)   Work with the event or festival organizers to be included in event and/or festival concessions and relocate to an area specified by the organizer;
         (b)   Relocate to Seventh Street between Bank and Hotel alongside the CDA Press building; or
         (c)   Choose to move the mobile concessions and cease operating within the city limits during the duration of the event/festival.
(Ord. 2020-01, passed 3-11-2020) Penalty, see § 113.99