(A)   Mayor to appoint committees. The Mayor may appoint up to three members of the City Council to each of the following committees, and if members are so appointed, said committee shall function in accordance with the provisions of this section:
      (1)   Finance Committee;
      (2)   Street and Alley Committee;
      (3)   Rules and Ordinance Committee;
      (4)   Park and Library Committee;
      (5)   City Buildings Committee;
      (6)   Health and Sanitation Committee (two members);
      (7)   Sewer and Light Committee;
      (8)   Police and Police Regulations Committee;
      (9)   Fire and Water Committee;
      (10)   Swimming Pool Committee; and
      (11)   Garbage Committee.
   (B)   Finance Committee. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to see that all bonds required of any of the officers of the city shall be properly executed and filed; to audit and approve, or reject, all claims presented to the City Council for allowance; to check up and audit all accounts and reports of the several officers of the city; to keep advised of the amount of money in the hands of the City Clerk/Treasurer in the several funds; to advise the City Council in case the money in any fund shall be exhausted before the allowance of any claim upon such fund; and further, to have general supervision over the financial affairs of the city.
   (C)   Street and Alley Committee. It shall be the duty of the Street and Alley Committee to inspect and require to be kept in repair all walks and sidewalks now existing, or that may hereafter be constructed by any ordinance duly passed by the City Council; it shall see that such walks are kept free from obstructions and in good repair, and in case it, or any of the members, have or receive notice of any defects or breakages in any such walks or sidewalks, or of any obstructions thereon, it shall give immediate notice to the owner or occupant of the lot abutting on such walk, or to the person so obstructing such walk, to repair or remove the same; it shall be its duty to see that the streets and alleys of the city are kept free from all encroachments and obstructions and in good repair; and it shall have general supervision of all work done thereon by the overseer of streets.
   (D)   Rules and Ordinance Committee. It shall be the duty of the Rules and Ordinance Committee, with the assistance and advice of the City Attorney, to prepare all ordinances recommended by the City Council; and, before any ordinance or resolution shall be presented to the Council for passage, it must be submitted to the Rules and Ordinance Committee.
   (E)   Park and Library Committee. It shall be the duty of the Park and Library Committee to have general supervision over the City Library and City Park, and it shall have the care and maintenance of all property of the city thereon; it shall make such improvements as may be directed by the City Council; and shall make such rules and regulations regarding the use of the City Park and City Library as may be deemed to be to the best interest of the public.
   (F)   Health and Sanitation Committee. It shall be the duty of the Health and Sanitation Committee, in connection with the Panhandle Health District or its agent, to see that the sanitary ordinances are observed and enforced; to inspect the alleys and public buildings and see that all refuse, filth, and decayed matter are removed therefrom; and to report the maintenance of any nuisance to the City Council.
   (G)   City Buildings Committee. It shall be the duty of the City Buildings Committee to have general supervision over all the city buildings, to provide suitable quarters for the members of the Fire Department and for the officers of the city, and to keep the property and buildings belonging to the city insured against loss by fire.
   (H)   Sewer and Light Committee. It shall be the duty of the Sewer and Light Committee to have general supervision over the sewer system of the city, and to see that all sewer mains are kept free from obstructions and are properly flushed when required; it shall see that all sewer connections are made in accordance with the city ordinances; it shall also have supervision over the street lighting of the city, and shall report to the City Council any failure or neglect in lighting the city on the part of the company furnishing same.
   (I)   Police and Police Regulations Committee. The Police and Police Regulations Committee shall be composed of the Mayor as Chair and three members of the City Council, to be chosen and named by the Mayor, and it shall be its duty to exercise a strict supervision over the police force, to see that it performs all of the duties that are required of them by the laws and ordinances, and, in case of default, to report the same to the City Council at its next regular meeting. It shall have the power to direct and control the actions of any member of such police force in any manner consistent with the laws and ordinances.
   (J)   Fire and Water Committee. It shall be the duty of the Fire and Water Committee to have a general oversight and care over the property and proceedings of the Fire Department, to look after all the hydrants attached to the water mains in the city and see that these are kept properly protected and open so that the water therein may be unobstructed by frost or in any other manner; and to see that the East Shoshone Water District and its successors and assigns keep and maintain a sufficient supply of water in the mains of the city at all times for fire purposes.
   (K)   Swimming Pool Committee. It shall be the duty of the Swimming Pool Committee to exercise a strict supervision over the city swimming pool. It shall adopt such rules and regulations governing the use of such pool as it deems best for the public interest. All employees at such pool shall be subject to its orders and supervision.
   (L)   Garbage Committee.
      (1)   The Garbage Committee shall have supervision of the enforcement of the city’s garbage ordinance and/or franchise agreement(s) for the regulation of refuse or garbage within the city limits. It shall have charge of and oversee that the sanitary provisions of the garbage ordinance or franchise agreement(s) are complied with and enforced.
      (2)   It shall have the power to establish such rules and regulations not inconsistent with any garbage ordinance or franchise agreement or other city ordinances as it shall deem in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
(Prior Code, § 1-5-10)