(A)   Availability. This rider is available to a qualifying customer (as defined herein) to encourage large users to expand or create new operations within the utility's service territory.
   (B)   Qualifications.
      (1)   A "Qualifying Customer" is a new or existing non-residential customer in the utility's service territory that is establishing new operations or expanding existing operations such that the new or expanded operations will result in new or additional demand of at least one MW (1000 kW) at one delivery point (the "Qualifying Demand") and the new or expanded operations has involved a capital investment of at least $1,000,000 within the utility's service territory.
      (2)   For a qualifying customer that is expanding operations, qualifying demand is measured from the average monthly peak demand for the 12 months immediately preceding the effective date of the service application. For a qualifying customer that is establishing new operations, qualifying demand is measured from zero.
      (3)   A qualifying customer is not a customer:
         (a)   With "new" demand that results from a change in ownership of an existing establishment without qualifying new load;
         (b)   Renewing service following interruptions such as equipment failure, temporary plant shutdown, strike, economic conditions, or natural disaster; or
         (c)   That has shifted its load from one operation or customer to another within the utility's service territory. The utility may determine exclusively, without recourse by the customer, whether an event has occurred that would prevent a customer from being a qualified customer.
   (C)   Rate incentive.
      (1)   Beginning with the effective date indicated in the service application submitted by the qualifying customer, utility will receive a credit on its wholesale bill for the qualifying new load. The incentive amount received by utility from the Indiana Municipal Power Agency for such load will be passed in full to qualifying customers. For reference purposes, the discount to the qualifying customer's wholesale cost for qualifying new load will be calculated according to the following schedule:
            (a)   Months 1 - 2         20%
            (b)   Months 13 - 24      15%
            (c)   Months 25 - 36      10%
            (d)   Months 37 - 48      10%
            (e)   Months 49 - 60      5%
      (2)   The qualifying customer must meet the minimum qualifying demand during each month of the incentive period (i.e., months 1 through 60, as designated above). Failure to meet the minimum qualifying demand in a particular month will result in 0% reduction for that month.
   (D)   Terms and conditions.  
      (1)   The qualifying customer must submit a service application to the utility specifying:
         (a)   A description of the amount and nature of the new load;
         (b)   The basis on which the qualifying customer meets the requirements of this rider; and
         (c)   The qualifying customer's desired effective date.
      (2)   This rider will terminate on the same date that IMPA's economic development rider terminates, except that any qualifying customer receiving the rate incentive at the time of the rider's termination may continue receiving the incentive for the remainder of the applicable incentive period (as long as it continues to meet the rider's requirements).
   (E)   Applicable rate schedules. This rider is available to the following rate schedules:
      (1)   Large Commercial Service - Rate "C1"; and
      (2)   Power Service - Rate "P."
(Ord. 2017-10, passed 3-5-2018)