A petition for a text amendment, a rezoning or an annexation shall be filed with the Clerk-Treasurer, who, when all required data has been filed, shall proceed to process the petition in accordance with state statute and the rules of procedure as established by the Plan Commission.
   (A)   Any petition for rezoning, annexation or vacation shall contain the complete legal description of the property; the name(s) and signature(s) of the titleholders of record and the name(s) of option holders, if applicable; the current zoning classification; the requested zoning classification; and details of the proposed use. A site plan shall be filed as an attachment to and made a part of the petition. Information on preparing a site plan will be found in §§ 156.040 through 156.047 of this chapter.
   (B)   The Town Council shall refer the petition or proposed amendment to the Plan Commission. A public hearing by the Plan Commission shall be scheduled and legal notice of said hearing placed in a newspaper of general circulation ten days prior to the scheduled meeting. The petition or proposed amendment shall be placed on the Plan Commission agenda and said agenda posted in a public place at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
(Ord. 9-80, passed 12-15-1980)