Public Dances
118.01 Regulation of public dances
118.02 Definitions
118.03 Permit required
118.04 Application for permit
118.05 Insurance
118.06 Location
118.07 Permit to be posted
118.08 Liquor license required
118.09 Licensed police officer presence
118.10 Hours
118.11 Minors prohibited
118.12 Certain behavior prohibited
118.13 Lighting
118.14 Noise
Special Events
118.20 Purpose and findings
118.21 Definitions
118.22 Permit required
118.23 Application for permit
118.24 Issuance of permit, conditions and posting
118.25 Exceptions to the permit
118.99 Penalty
All public dances held in this city shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Penalty, see § 118.99