(a) Action by the Planning Commission and the Applicant. Application for developments in all multi-family, commercial (business) and industrial districts, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission in three stages:
(1) Pre-application submission of a generalized conceptual plan in sketch form;
(2) Submission of preliminary site development plans and preliminary architectural drawings and plan;
(3) Submission of final site development plans and final architectural drawings and plans.
(b) Rezoning. Rezoning from another district to the proposed classification shall be obtained prior to the submission of the preliminary site development plans. No zoning permits shall be issued and no building shall be permitted within the designated districts until the final site development plans and the final architectural drawings and plans have been submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission. Prior to the granting of the permit, the Zoning Administrator shall receive from the Planning Commission and the State Building Inspector an advisory report approving the proposed development plans as presented in final form as required herein.
(c) Construction and Use to Be as Provided in Applications, Plans, Permits and Certificates. Zoning permits, health permits, and certificates of occupancy issued on the basis of applications and plans including site development plans and architectural drawings and plans approved by the Planning Commission and the Building Inspector of the State, or other applicable agencies as designated by the review board, authorize only the use and arrangement set forth in such approved plans and applications and amendments thereto, and no other use, arrangements, or construction. Use arrangement, or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed a violation of the Zoning Ordinance and punishable as provided in Chapter 1143.
(d) Pre-Application Procedure. The developer shall meet with the Planning Commission prior to the submission of the preliminary plans of the development. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss early and informally the purpose and effect of these regulations and the criteria and standards contained in the applicable district regulations and to familiarize the developer with all plans and ordinances of the community. The generalized conceptual plans should indicate the types of units to be used; approximately the location of all buildings; type and location of parking facilities; access points and location of public and private streets; location, type and approximate acreage of all required open spaces. Three copies of the conceptual plan shall be submitted. Specific plans are not required. The intent here is for both the developer and Planning Commission to clarify their general intentions in regard to the applicable zoning district regulations and requirements before a considerable amount of time and expense has been invested. This does require a formal letter of request or application and the receipt of the pre-submittal application fee prior to informal Planning Commission action.
(1) The Planning Commission shall discuss with the developer the changes if any, that will be required and the procedure for submitting the preliminary development plans. The Planning Commission's approval at this stage shall not be binding, but should indicate a general willingness to approve the final plan if the developer meets the necessary requirements.
(2) All pre-application submissions shall be submitted to the Planning Commission not less than two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
(e) Preliminary Submittal Procedure and Requirements. After the pre-application stage, the developer shall submit preliminary development plans to the Planning Commission. These plans shall include site development plans and architectural plans and drawings in preliminary form which shall conform with the requirements set forth in Section 1193.04.
(f) Submittal of Preliminary Architectural Drawings.
(1) The preliminary drawings for each type of structure shall be submitted for the purpose of portraying conceptually the intended uses within the development. The submittal shall contain the height of the structures, number of units, number of square feet and elevations.
(2) All architectural drawings must be prepared by a licensed registered architect. Such drawings must be affixed with the seal of the architect.
(g) Preliminary Submittal to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall submit in writing to the petitioner the necessary revisions to be shown prior to approval of the preliminary plan, whereupon, the petitioner will then submit the revised site plan and architectural drawings to the Planning Commission on or before the last day of the month if it is to be reviewed the following month at the next regular meeting.
(1) Upon approval of the preliminary plans by the Planning Commission, the final plans may be prepared and submitted for review.
(2) Approval of the preliminary plans shall be conditional upon compliance with all other applicable statutes, ordinances, and regulations of the Municipality, County and State.
(h) Final Submittal Procedures and Requirements. If the final site plans and architectural drawings are to be reviewed the following month by the Planning Commission, they shall be submitted on or before the last day of the preceding month. The final site plans and architectural drawings, if not submitted in consecutive months, shall be submitted fifteen days prior to any regular meeting of the Planning Commission. All final plans must be filed in triplicate. Requirements for filing of final plans may be obtained from the Zoning Administrator.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)