(a)   Council, all members elected thereto, is hereby vested with the power to permit conditional uses which are listed under Chapters 1153 to 1177 which may be conditionally permitted for the respective district, provided that such uses are deemed to be in keeping with authorized uses.
   (b)   Such conditional permits shall be subject to such protective restrictions as may be deemed necessary, including, but not limited to, term limitations, hours of operation, off street parking, lighting restrictions, set back requirements and fencing. Council, all members elected thereto, may terminate any permit for a violation of terms or limitations therein prescribed.
   (c)   If recommended by the Planning Commission, Council, all members elected thereto, may authorize the issuance of such a conditional permit by a majority vote of the members elected thereto. With Commission approval or without Commission recommendation, such action by Council, all members elected thereto, shall require the concurrence of four members.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)