1175.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The purpose of the M-1 District is to encourage the development of manufacturing and wholesale business establishments which are clean, quiet and free of hazardous or objectionable elements such as noise, odor, dust, smoke, or glare, operated entirely within closed structures and generate little industrial traffic. Office and research activities are encouraged. This district is further designed to act as a transitional use between general industrial uses and other less intensive business and residential uses.
   (b)   Because of their access to transportation and community services, and because of the nature of their light industrial operation, with restricted manufacturing operations, research facilities, warehousing, and offices of a restricted nature, these areas will have little or no detrimental effects on neighboring land uses. Adequate attempts should be made to provide as much isolation from other areas as possible.
   (c)   These uses may include activities such as manufacturing, processing, or assembly of products or the provision of services. No offensive or hazardous conditions shall be created by an industry and other disruptive activities shall be minimized to maintain tranquility if proximate to commercial or residential areas. This includes the absence of such things as excessive traffic, dust, dirt, noxious gases, smoke, noise, fumes or vibrations. Since certain industrial uses as a part of their operation may have need for sales distribution and sales outlets, it may be permitted only as an accessory use providing that goods and services are produced at the site or are an integral part of a warehousing distribution system. Wherever possible, work activities and material handling will be confined to within buildings or enclosures. When possible, materials and products will be stored in enclosed structures or areas screened from the view of adjoining property. External areas of structures will be landscaped and maintained. Undeveloped areas of the parcel will be kept free of debris and weeds and will be routinely maintained by the cutting of all grassed areas.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)