1173.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)   The general business district is created to provide retailing and personal services which require larger tracts of land and encompass a larger service area than that of the Neighborhood Commercial District. This district is so designed to permit commercial development of permitted uses which will be limited only by standards set forth to protect the abutting districts and as directed against the extension of strip zoning. The General Commercial Districts shall be considered for use in limited areas adjacent to the Village Center Commercial District and in accessible locations along arterial streets on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Strip zoning utilizing this district shall be prohibited.
   (b)   The general business district provides for businesses which serve a community level or regional market. Businesses may be grouped into small centers located along a major thoroughfare, or at corners of major intersections on large lots to allow for ingress, egress, internal circulation and adequate parking. Typically these businesses will be high generators of traffic. Examples of these include, but are not limited to, large market stores (grocery, hardware, etc.), drive-through businesses, motels, restaurants, gas stations, etc. All uses and activities shall be inside buildings unless related to the existing primary use of the property. Work activities and material handling will be confined within buildings or within closures. Materials and products will be stored in enclosed structures or areas screened from view from adjoining property. External areas of structures will be landscaped and maintained. Undeveloped areas of the parcel will be kept free of debris and weeds and will be routinely maintained by the cutting of all grassed areas.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)