It is the intention of Council that by the creation of the C-2 District and its appurtenant regulations, further expansion and renewal as the historical core business area will be encouraged in such a manner that it is pleasant, convenient and efficient to use. All uses and activities shall be inside buildings unless related to the existing primary use of the property. Work activities and material handling will be confined within buildings or within closures. Materials and products will be stored in enclosed structures or areas screened from view from adjoining property. External areas of structures will be landscaped and maintained. Undeveloped areas of the parcel will be kept free of debris and weeds and will be routinely maintained by the cutting of all grassed areas. Residential uses may be allowed within this district. Residential uses shall be permitted when contained within a non-residential building provided that such use shall not be located on the first floor of the building. Entrance and exit to the dwelling unit(s) shall be exclusive and separate from the non-residential part of the building.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)