No land shall be used or occupied and no structure shall be designed, erected, altered, or used except for either one or several of the following permitted uses and accessory uses thereto:
   (a)   Church; provided, it shall be located not less than 75 feet from any other lot in any R district.
   (b)   Community Center; provided any principal building and/or activity area shall be located not less than fifty feet from any other lot in any R district.
   (c)   Dwelling; one-family prefabricated type of manufactured home.
   (d)   Public uses.
Schools for academic instruction are permitted provided that buildings and/or activity areas shall be located not less than fifty feet from any lot in any R district.
   (e)   Public park, playgrounds, play field, golf courses and country clubs; provided, any principal building and/or activity area shall be located not less than fifty feet from any other lot in any R district.
   (f)   Nursery schools and/or child care center with four or more children; provided, the lot upon which the building is erected shall have an area sufficient to provide not less than seventy-five square feet of outdoor play space per child and the building shall provide not less than forty square feet of floor space per child. The outdoor play space shall be completely and securely fenced to a height of not less than five feet in height, and there shall be not less than 1,000 square feet of play area available to each day care center.
   (g)   Hospital or clinic, provided any principal building and/or activity area shall be located not less than fifty feet from any other lot in any R district.
      (Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)