The Board shall hold a public hearing within twenty days after the receipt of an application for an appeal, variance or conditional use from the Zoning Administrator or an applicant.
   The Board hearing any appeal shall proceed pursuant to the following:
   (a)   Shall require a complete application as required under this chapter. The application shall be accompanied by the necessary legal description of the parcel, site drawings, and graphics to explain the nature of the appeal;
   (b)   Publish notice of public hearing;
   (c)   Upon its decision to seek information may solicit; seek a review, comment and recommendation from administrative officials, Village Solicitor, and other experts, and subpoena witnesses;
   (d)   Require that the Secretary of the Board make an audible record of the hearing which may be transcribed upon request.
   (e)   Provide the appellant, appellant's agent or his/her attorney the opportunity to appear and present their position, argument and contentions to the order, action or rule/regulation;
   (f)   Require all testimony to be sworn under oath;
   (g)   Provide for the examination of witnesses and presentation of evidence;
   (h)   Allow cross-examination of witnesses;
   (i)   Require placement into the record any such evidence denied by person or body appealed from;
   (j)   Present conclusions of fact supporting the final order, adjudication or decision appealed from;
   (k)   Upon the day for hearing any application or appeal, the Board may adjourn the hearing in order to permit the obtaining of additional information or to cause such further notice as it deems proper to be served upon such other property owners as it decides may be substantially interested in said application or appeal. In the case of an adjourned hearing, persons previously notified and persons already heard need not be notified of the time of resumption of said hearing unless the Board so decides. (Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)