905.04 REMEDY.
   Upon written information that trees or bushes are overhanging the traveled portion of a street or sidewalk, or obstruct the view of street traffic within the Village of Wakeman, the Mayor or Council shall cause a written notice to be served upon the owner, lessee, agent or tenant having charge of such land, notifying the appropriate party that said trees or bushes are obstructing the view of street traffic and that they must be properly trimmed within fourteen days after the service of such notice. If said owner or other person having charge of such lands is a non-resident whose address is known, such notice shall be sent to his address by registered mail; if the address of such owner is unknown, it shall be sufficient to publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in Huron County, Ohio.
   (a)   Any police officer, the Fiscal Officer or deputy clerk of the Village may make service and return of the notice provided for in this section.
   (b)   If the owner, lessee, agent or tenant having charge of the lands herein fails to comply with such notice, the Mayor and the Street Committee shall cause said trees or bushes to be properly trimmed and the expenses so incurred shall be approved by the Mayor or Council and paid out of the treasury of the Village.
   (c)   The Fiscal Officer shall make written return to the County Auditor of the Village’s action with a statement of the charges for the services, when thirty days shall have elapsed after the appropriate party has been billed and the bill remains unpaid, the amount paid for the performance of such labor, and the fees of the officers who made the service with the notice and return and a proper description of the premises with request that such amount be entered upon the tax duplicate and a lien upon such lands from and after the date of the entry and be collected as other taxes and be returned to the Municipality according to law.
      (Ord. 92-16. Passed 9-14-92.)