(a)   Purpose. This district is established to provide for various types of park and recreation facilities in appropriate locations and with related activities and land uses.
   (b)   Permitted Uses. In the PR zoning district the following uses are permitted:
      (1)   Public park and recreation facilities
      (2)   Parking facilities
      (3)   Nature preserves, hiking trails, wildlife areas
      (4)   Ball fields, swimming pools, horseback riding
      (5)   Any other use deemed to be similar in accordance with Section 1135.06.
   (c)   Area Regulations.
      (1)   Minimum front yards depth. 50 feet from the edge of the street right-of- way, see Section 1127.02(b) for additional yard requirements.
      (2)   Minimum side yard depth 10 feet, see Section 1127.02(b) for additional yard and buffering requirements.
      (3)   Minimum rear yard depth 10 feet, see 1127.02(b) for additional yard and buffering requirements.
      (4)   Height requirements. No building shall exceed 35 feet, except for accessory structures including, but not limited to a radio tower, antennas, flag poles, and chimneys.
   (d)   Sign Regulations.
      (1)   Maximum sign area. Within the PR Zoning District, the maximum total sign area permitted for any one establishment shall be 45 square feet. Section 1127.03 describes provisions for additional signs.
      (2)   Maximum number and location of signs. Establishments are permitted to have up to two (2) signs which may include wall signs, roof signs, and free standing signs.
         A.   Window signs. An establishment may have window signs in addition to those signs permitted above, provided however, that the maximum area does not exceed 12 square feet total area.
         B.   Sign illumination and materials. No free standing, roof or wall sign may be illuminated from a light source within the sign itself. All external light sources shall be designed so as to illuminate only the sign itself and shall not shine on any adjacent property. No sign may be made of plastic materials.
   (e)   Parking Requirements. All parking and loading requirements in Section 1131.10 apply to any change of use of an existing structure and any new construction, along with the requirements of Section 1127.08. (Ord. 2000-0-03. Passed 3-13-00.)