(a) "Above Ground Level" (AGL) means a measurement of height from the natural grade of a site to the highest point of a structure.
(b) "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
(c) "Antenna" means the surface from which wireless radio signals are sent and received by a personal wireless service facility.
(d) "Applicant" means any person that applies for a personal wireless service facility development permit.
(e) "Camouflaged" means a personal wireless service facility that is disguised, hidden or part of an existing or proposed structure.
(f) "Collocation" means the use of a wireless telecommunications facility by more than one wireless telecommunications provider.
(g) "Commission" means the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Waite Hill, Ohio.
(h) "Concealed" means placing an array of antennas completely within a structure.
(i) "Cross-polarized (or dual-polarized) antenna" means a low mount that has three panels flush mounted or attached very close to the shaft of the mount.
(j) "Elevation" means the measurement of height above mean sea level (AMSL).
(k) "Engineer" means any engineer licensed by the State of Ohio.
(l) "Equipment shelter" means an enclosed structure, cabinet, shed or box at the base of the mount within which are housed equipment for personal wireless service facilities such as batteries and electrical equipment. Equipment shelters are sometimes referred to as base transceiver stations.
(m) "Mast" means a thin pole that resembles a light standard or a telephone pole. A dual-polarized antenna is usually deployed as a mast.
(n) "Monopole" means a thicker type of mount than a mast that is self-supporting with a single shaft of wood, steel or concrete that is designed for the placement of antennas and array along the shaft.
(o) "Mount" means the structure or surface upon which antennas are mounted, including the following four types of mounts:
(1) "Roof-mounted" means mounted on the roof of a building.
(2) "Side-mounted" means mounted on the side of a building.
(3) "Ground-mounted" means mounted on the ground.
(4) "Structure-mounted" means mounted on a structure other than a building.
(p) "Open space" means land devoted to conservation or recreational purposes and/or land designated by a municipality to remain undeveloped (may be specified on a zoning map).
(q) "Owner" means any person with fee title or a long-term (exceeding ten years) leasehold to any parcel of land within the Village who desires to develop, or construct, build, modify, or erect a Personal Wireless Service Facility upon such parcel of land.
(r) "Person" means any natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or other legal entity, private or public, whether for profit or not for profit.
(s) "Personal wireless services" means the three types of services regulated by this chapter: commercial mobile radio services, unlicensed wireless services, and common carrier wireless exchange services as described in the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
(t) "Personal wireless service facility" means the facility for the provision of personal wireless services, as defined by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Personal Wireless Service Facilities include, at a minimum, a mount, antenna, and equipment shelter.
(u) "Telecommunication" means the technology which enables information to be exchanged through the transmission of voice, video, or data signals by means of electrical or electromagnetic systems.
(Ord. 1998-9. Passed 3-9-98.)