1311.05 APPEALS.
    (a)    Any person receiving a notice to remove or abate a condition as provided for in Section 1311.04 may, within the period of time specified in such notice, file a written request for a hearing on such order, by delivering a copy of such request, specifying an address to which notices to such person are to be sent, to the office of the Mayor. Upon receipt of such a request, the Mayor shall set a time and place for such hearing and shall cause notice thereof to be given to such person by delivering such notice to him or her personally, by leaving a copy thereof at the address contained in the request for the hearing, or by certified mail sent to such address not less than five (5) days prior to the hearing. A copy of such notice, specifying the purpose of the hearing and the time and place thereof at which all interested persons shall be heard, shall also be posted in the Village Hall. Such notice may also be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the Village.
   (b)    Upon application to the Mayor by a party appealing under subsection (a) hereof, and upon the showing of good cause for same, the Mayor may extend the time for compliance with the order of abatement issued under the authority of subsection (a) of Section 1311.04 for a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days.
   (c)    The appeal hearing shall be conducted by the Mayor. Not more than five (5) days after the conclusion of such hearing, the Mayor shall issue an order confirming, modifying or rescinding the order of removal or abatement. Any such order shall be a final order within the meaning of Ohio R.C. 2506.01, upon the filing of a copy thereof with the Clerk-Treasurer. A copy of such order shall be served as soon as possible in the manner specified in subsection (a) hereof upon the person requesting the hearing.
(Ord. 1991-11. Passed 8-12-91.)