(a)    No person shall engage in the activity of canvassing and/or soliciting business transactions or charitable contributions within the Village, calling at residences without the previous consent of the occupant, for the purpose of soliciting orders, sales, subscriptions or conducting any other business of any kind, or seeking charitable donations, without having first registered in the office of the Chief of Police. The registrant shall give his or her complete identification (and produce photographic proof of identification such as a driver's license or state identification card), signature, name, address and telephone number of the registrant's employer or organization that the registrant is representing, the nature of the products, services or charitable organization in which the registrant is interested, and, if applicable, the name of the manufacturers of such products and their addresses, and a brief description of the method of proposed operation in the Village.
   (b)    Any person whose nature of business has been determined to be exempt from providing his or her identity by a ruling of constitutional protection is not required to register with the Chief of Police, but is not exempt from the provisions of Section 713.04.
(Ord. 2002-8. Passed 7-8-02.)