(a) All streets and highways within the Village, except Interstate 90 are hereby classified as secondary roads.
(b) No person shall transport, either by motor vehicle or other power, over the secondary roads within the Village any vehicle exceeding a gross weight of five tons per axle, without first obtaining from the Mayor upon application in writing, a permit therefor. An applicant prior to permit issuance shall execute to the Village a bond to the satisfaction of the Mayor to indemnify the Village for any damages which may arise from the use of such roads by transporting any load as provided herein.
(c) No person shall drive any vehicle designed or used for the transportation of goods, wares or merchandise upon any public street or highway, except while receiving goods or making deliveries along such street or highway, and then only by entering and leaving by the nearest intersecting street, except upon any State route or Interstate Highway, and except well-drilling equipment, farm machinery and equipment, fire engines, fire trucks, ambulances or school buses operated by any village, city, township or school district.
(d) Whoever violates any provision of this section relative to weights of vehicles and loads shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the first 2,000 pounds or fraction thereof of overload; for overloads in excess of 2,000 pounds, but not in excess of 5,000 pounds, such person shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and in addition thereto one dollar ($1.00) per 100 pounds of overload; for overloads in excess of 5,000 pounds but not in excess of 10,000 pounds, such person shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and in addition thereto, two dollars ($2.00) per 100 pounds of overload, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Whoever violates the weight provisions of vehicle and load relating to gross load limits shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Provided, no penalty prescribed herein shall be imposed on any vehicle combination if,
(1) The overload on any axle does not exceed 1,000 pounds, and
(2) If the immediately preceding or following axle, excepting the front axle of the vehicle combination, is underloaded by the same or greater amount.
For purposes of this subsection, two axles on one vehicle less than eight feet apart shall be considered as one axle.