145.07 SICK LEAVE.
   Sick leave is granted to full-time employees of the Village, subject to the following requirements:
   (a)   Sick Leave. Subsequent to the first year of service, and in any twelve (12) month period thereafter, a full-time employee may use up to six (6) weeks of paid sick leave and another six (6) weeks of unpaid sick leave.
   (b)   Use of Sick Leave.
      (1)   Sick leave may be used by a full-time employee only to attend to an employee’s illness or injury and the employee shall document with the Village the illness or injury necessitating such leave with a report from the employee’s medical professional.
      (2)   Sick leave may be taken on an intermittent basis or as part of a reduced work schedule, with the approval of the employee’s supervisor, so as to cause the least disruption to the performance of work.
      (3)   Employees may not perform work for themselves or another employer while away on or otherwise using sick leave.
      (4)   Unpaid sick leave shall be used contemporaneously with any other paid leave that is due the employee (e.g. compensatory time, vacation leave or holiday leave).
   (c)   Job Protection. Upon return from sick leave, the full-time employee shall be reinstated to the same or equivalent position, with the same pay, benefits, and terms and conditions of employment. Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting Village from employing a replacement to fulfill an employee’s responsibilities while the employee is on sick leave. Employees returning from sick leave shall be required to provide a fitness for duty certification from their healthcare provider.
   (d)   Rights After Exhaustion of Sick Leave. Full-time employees who are unable to return to work, and have exhausted their available sick leave and all other leaves granted by the Village, shall have no job protection, right to reinstatement, or any other benefits that are available to Village employees unless otherwise required by law. (Ord. 2015-1. Passed 1-12-15.)