(a)    Each full-time employee of the Village, who has been employed by the Village full time for a period of twelve (12) months continuous service, shall have earned and will be due upon the attainment of the anniversary of the first-year of employment, forty (40) hours of vacation leave with full pay.
   (b)    Each full-time employee of the Village, who has been employed by the Village full time for a period of twenty-four (24) months continuous service, shall have earned and will be due upon the attainment of the anniversary of the second year of employment and annually thereafter, eighty (80) hours of vacation leave with full pay.
   (c)    Each full-time employee of the Village, who has been employed by the Village full time for a period of sixty (60) months continuous service, shall have earned and will be due upon the attainment of the anniversary of the fifth year of employment, and annually thereafter, one hundred twenty (120) hours of vacation leave with full pay.
   (d)    Each full-time employee of the Village who has been employed by the Village full time for a period of one hundred eighty (180) months continuous service, shall have earned and will be due upon the attainment of the anniversary of the fifteenth year of employment and annually thereafter, one hundred sixty (160) hours of vacation leave with full pay.
(Ord. 1993-4. Passed 4-12-93.)
   (e)    Village employees shall forfeit their right to take vacation leave to their credit which is in excess of the accrual of eighty (80) hours. Such excess shall be eliminated from the employees leave balance. (Ord. 2014-9. Passed 8-11-14.)
   (f)    If a Village employee desires to take more than one hundred sixty (160) hours vacation leave in any two (2) month period, approval of the employee's supervisor and the Mayor shall first be obtained.
(Ord. 1993-4. Passed 4-12-93.)