(a)   Deposits made pursuant to Section 1305.03 or 1305.04 shall be used as follows:
      (1)   To pay professionals engaged by the Village to advise Village officials or to conduct re-inspections on behalf of the Village, pursuant to Section 1305.06(d).
The professionals shall be paid at a rate agreed upon by the Village for services which are provided to the Village.
      (2)   To secure the repair of Village infrastructure (e.g. any road, bridge or culvert) which is damaged by any party who is delivering materials to or performing work on the construction project for which the deposit is made.
   (b)   In the event that the professional fees or infrastructure repair costs incurred by the Village exceed fifty percent (50%) of the deposit, the owner or owner’s agent shall be required to deposit additional funds necessary to maintain the original amount of the deposit until the work is completed. If the owner or his or her agent refuses to maintain such deposit, the Zoning Administrator, in conjunction with the Lake County Building Department, shall suspend the building permit issued in connection with the work or operation until the deposit is restored to its full original balance.
   (c)   Upon completion of the work or operation, the owner or the owner’s agent shall be refunded that portion of the deposit which has not been used for the purposes set forth in this section. (Ord. 2015-18. Passed 7-11-16.)