It shall be unlawful to:
   (a)   Use or occupy any land or place; build, erect, alter, remodel, restore, or rebuild thereon any building or structure; permit any building or structure to remain on such land; or use, occupy, or operate such building or structure, in any way or for any use or purpose which is not permitted by the provisions of this Zoning Code; or
   (b)   Use or occupy any parcel of land; use or occupy a new building; or enlarge, substitute, or otherwise change the use, occupancy, or configuration of any land or building, without having received a zoning certificate or certificate of zoning compliance, as applicable, indicating compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code from the Zoning Administrator; or
   (c)   Aid, assist, or participate with any person in placing, building, erecting, altering, remodeling, restoring, or rebuilding any building or structure which is not permitted by the provisions of this Zoning Code; or
   (d)   Violate or fail to perform any condition, stipulation or safeguard set forth in any certificate or approval issued pursuant to this Zoning Code, or continue to use or occupy the premises or building as previously authorized by such certificate or approval beyond the duration limit therein stated; or
   (e)   Continue construction, renovation, or improvements contrary to a Stop Work Order or Notice of Violation, unless permitted to continue by the Zoning Administrator when necessary to protect property or the health, safety, and welfare of the Village. Decisions of the Zoning Administrator may be appealed to the Mayor; or
   (f)   Refuse to permit the Zoning Administrator to enter any premises in the Village to investigate a reported violation of the provisions of this Zoning Code; or
   (g)   Knowingly make any materially false statement of fact in an application to the Zoning Administrator for site plan approval, a zoning certificate, or certificate of zoning compliance, or in the plans or specifications submitted to the Zoning Administrator in relation to such application.
      (Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)