(a)    Publication. Public notice of the passage of ordinances or resolutions by Council shall be made by posting a copy of the ordinance or resolution on the Village's website indefinitely, but for not less than thirty (30) days. The Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain evidence of the posting required herein, which may include an electronic time stamp, metadata of the website or other commonly used proof of the creation of an electronic record. This rule shall not apply to ordinances and resolutions required to be published in full by the mandatory provisions of the State Constitution. Nor shall this rule apply when ordinances are revised, codified, rearranged, published in book form and certified as correct by the Clerk of Council. In the latter case, such publication in book form shall be a sufficient publication. The ordinances so published under appropriate titles, chapters and sections, shall be held the same in law as though they had been published in a newspaper.
   (b)    Posting. In addition to publication on the Village's website, the Clerk of Council shall cause an authenticated copy of each ordinance and resolution passed by Council to be posted on the Village Hall bulletin board for a period of one calendar month following such passage or adoption. The certificate of the Clerk of Council to the fact of such posting shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of such posting and any defect, error or omission in or of such posting shall not constitute any error in any proceeding involving such legislation. Such act of posting shall be for the convenience of the public. (Ord. 2013-3. Passed 1-14-13.)