The noise control program established by this chapter shall be administered by the Health Officer. In order to implement and enforce this chapter and for the general purpose of sound and vibration abatement and control, the Health Officer shall have, in addition to any other authority vested in said office, the power to:
   (A)   Conduct, or cause to be conducted, research, monitoring and other studies related to sonogram vibration;
   (B)   Conduct programs of public education regarding the causes, effects and general methods of abatement and control of noise and vibration, or regarding the actions prohibited by this chapter or by any applicable state or federal regulations;
   (C)   Work to coordinate the noise and vibration control activities of all municipal departments, and cooperate with all appropriate local, state or federal agencies, or private persons or organizations to promote compliance with this chapter and to promote uniform noise and vibration standards;
   (D)   Consult with any other department or agency responsible for any proposed or final standard, regulation or similar action on the advisability of revising such action if the Health Officer has reason to believe that such action is not consistent with this chapter;
   (E)   Review public projects which are subject to mandatory review or approval by other departments for compliance with this chapter, if such projects are likely to cause sound or vibration in violation of this chapter;
   (F)   Conduct inspections, surveys and examinations of properties for the purpose of determining compliance with or violation of this chapter.  All such inspections, surveys and examinations conducted pursuant to this chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Inspection Code;
   (G)   Delegate functions, where appropriate under this chapter, to personnel within the Police Department and to other agencies or departments of the city.
(Ord. 1766, passed 6-14-01)